Sunday, November 21, 2004

Recent News

I've started a new project at work that is really big and complex, so I've had trouble finding time to post lately. I'll try to do better.

Julia is developing new talents every day. She is making a variety of squealing noises now, and really enjoys when we imitate her. She has taken to sucking on her fingers, much more than Dora ever did. I think she may give up the binky soon. We are still anticipating her becoming a difficult sleeper, but so far she's been a very easy baby.

Dora is learning her letters and numbers. She can identify pretty much every letter now and all the numbers from 1-10, although not always reliably. She can spell her name and a few other words, but she can't recognize them unless coached.

We're all really looking forward to Christmas! We're going to see Mickey Mouse and Cinderella.


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