Thursday, October 28, 2004

The Big Sleep

Last night Julia went an incredible amount of time between feedings, from about 6:00 pm until 4:30 am the following morning. I think it was a fluke, but we'll test again tonight. If we can get her to go from about 9:00 until 7:30 am, our lives (read: Margrethe's life) will be improved immensely.

We have moved Julia into the crib in her own bedroom and it has gone very well. It's hard to belive how much easier she is to take care of than Dora was. This morning we went in to check on her and she was awake and quietly chewing on her hand (her new favorite activity.) Dora would never have done that; as soon as she woke up everyone knew it. Before Julia, we used to read about babies that would lie quietly in their cribs and laughed at such ridiculous lies.


At 8:07 AM, Blogger David J. Montgomery said...

It was the same with her poor Unca David, a likewise never-to-be-as-important second child. She's just getting used to the realities of life. She knows the demanding older sibling will always take precedence...and probably beat her up as well.

I feel your pain, Jules!


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