Wednesday, April 06, 2005

No book

I'm on the CTA with no book, so it seemed like a good time to post.

Work is crazy as always, although I have some hope that things will improve in a few weeks. Everyone but me is getting over a cold--I still am hoping to avoid it.

Dora did something very funny Monday at the mall. There were some fountains, so Dora wanted some pennies to make a wish. She made two wishes for herself, then wanted to make a wish for Mommy and Daddy.

For Daddy, she wished that I would win one hundred million dollars (I always tell her to wish this for me.) Then she wished for Mommy. “I wish Mommy will get a great big bucket!”


At 6:35 PM, Blogger David J. Montgomery said...

Gee, what a great wish, Dora!

What did she wish for Uncle David? A hole in the head? :)

What on earth is Mommy gonna do with a big bucket?

At 4:07 PM, Blogger Jays said...

Once Daddy wins one hundred million bucks, he can buy Mommy a gold-plated bucket!


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