Maggie's New Ride
My Silver Cross stroller, purchased one year ago after extensive research and testdriving, has turned out to be a disaster. Parts have been steadily breaking and their customer service is nonexistent. Finally the buckle, which has been broken but jury-rigged to keep us afloat, is now lost and the stroller is completely un-useable.
So I just ordered a new stroller: the Maclaren Triumph. It's a lightweight umbrella stroller but it has a storage basket and the seat reclines, which might come in handy when Infinity uses it in the future. Got it for $135 on with a 10% coupon and free shipping.
Maggie's new Maclaren Triumph stroller:
We have the same stroller, except the slightly cheaper version without the canopy.
In general we really like it, very lightweight and tall, which I especially appreciate. Unfortunately, it's developed a squeak in one of the rear wheels that no amount of fiddling and lubrication can cure. As a result, we don't use it anymore.
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