Saturday, February 05, 2005

Birthday reflection

As of yesterday I am another year older. At 37 I am quite old for a professional athelete, but quite young for a college professor. However, as I am neither of these things, it's hard to say how old I am. It seems to me that 36 and 37 feel pretty much the same.

I was reflecting some time ago that even as adults we persist in thinking of our siblings as our older or younger brother, sister, etc. despite the fact that to the rest of the world we are all basically the same age. Usually David and I are one year apart in age, which to anyone outside the family is virtually identical. Margrethe and Sophia are only 10 months apart--that's indistinguishable!

For the record, I spent Mom's gift certificate on a nice fryer, to further my quest for the perfect frites. Margrethe got me the Seinfeld DVD set, and I am told another present is waiting for tomorrow night's dinner with the in-laws. Pretty good loot!


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