Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Margaret is 18 months old!

It's hard to believe Margaret is a big one-and-a-half-year-old now. She's turning into such a "kid" lately, and I miss her being a baby. Good thing I'm having a new one, huh?

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Million Dollar Maili

Way to go, Maili. It's nice to know you have it in you. Dave, do you have a black eye or what? I think we need to see a photo here....

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Do I count as a battered spouse?

Well, it finally happened. Last night, after nearly six years of wedded bliss, Maili punched my lights out.

I know what you're thinking: It's about time! How did she restrain herself for this long?

(By the way, that's not very nice of you. Shame on you for thinking that!)

Okay, granted, we were both asleep at the time. But it still hurt!

I was awakened by a mean right cross to the left eye. Maili must have been having some kind of wicked dream. One thing you can say about my lovely wife: she can punch like a longshoreman.

I have to admit, I feel a perverse sense of pride in that.

Way to go, baby!

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Sick Girls Update

Dora is doing much better now. She is basically well, although still taking her antibiotics for a few more days. The first several spoons were quite a struggle to administer, but now she takes it like a champ.

Julia was pretty miserable this morning and after much crying had to take a 90 minute nap about an hour after waking up. I'm happy to report that after her nap she felt much better. Her nose is still running like a faucet and her eyes water a lot, but she hasn't really had much fever.

Margrethe and the girls are at cousin Ephren's birthday party, so Daddy is home alone :(


Friday, February 11, 2005

How are the girls?

I was sorry to hear about Dora's ear infection. It really is amazing that she made it to 3 1/4 years old before having one. Margaret has made it 18 months so far without one (knock on wood), so the Montgomery/Graff girls seem to have pretty strong heads (in addition to big ones).

It's funny to think that you have to get back into the habit of clearing the floor for Julia. I'm so finely attuned at this point that when I'm out and about and I see something small on the ground, it actually takes willpower not to immediately pick it up. Recently I saw an ad for an older kids' board game that had a million tiny pieces spread all over the floor. Just looking at the photo sent shivers up my spine.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Birthday reflection

As of yesterday I am another year older. At 37 I am quite old for a professional athelete, but quite young for a college professor. However, as I am neither of these things, it's hard to say how old I am. It seems to me that 36 and 37 feel pretty much the same.

I was reflecting some time ago that even as adults we persist in thinking of our siblings as our older or younger brother, sister, etc. despite the fact that to the rest of the world we are all basically the same age. Usually David and I are one year apart in age, which to anyone outside the family is virtually identical. Margrethe and Sophia are only 10 months apart--that's indistinguishable!

For the record, I spent Mom's gift certificate on a nice fryer, to further my quest for the perfect frites. Margrethe got me the Seinfeld DVD set, and I am told another present is waiting for tomorrow night's dinner with the in-laws. Pretty good loot!

Thursday, February 03, 2005

No girls or boys

We don't have any kids yet. Instead I have a fancy computer, a nice television set, and thousands of books in perfect condition. So far my attempts to convince my wife, Maili, that these are preferable subsitutes have been in vain.

I also get to take trips to exotic places like El Paso. I'm attending a conference there next month, where I'll be appearing on a panel about thriller novels along with Christopher Rice (Anne's son) and David Morrell, the creator of John Rambo.

Still, I suppose we should have some kids eventually. If nothing else, I like telling people what to do. Plus, I plan to piss away all my money and will need children to support me in my dotage.

I already have my own blog, where I write about crime fiction goings on and other book-related matters, but I look forward to commenting on some more personal topics here.

For example, I am now officially fat. At my last doctor's appointment (about a month ago), I tipped the scales at a hefty 230. I have now replaced my big brother as the portly one in the family. I suppose that means I have 20 years worth of mean fat jokes coming my way now...

Big Heads Measure Alike

At her six-month appointment, Margaret was 15 pounds, 27 inches and 43 cm. head circumference. Her percentiles were 50th weight, 90th length and 75th head. So, she was skinny for her height, and always has been. Julia is just a petite sweetie like her cousin! And obviously the big head measurement is a given with Montgomery genes.

Under new management

Given the paucity of postings, we've sold this space to the Montgomery family at large. Please welcome my sibs and maybe some others.