Saturday, July 31, 2004

The Power of Swaddling

Last night was better than the last few, although Julia wanted to eat about as much. She settled down more between feedings, allowing us (read: Margrethe) to sleep more. And we owe it all to the power of swaddling. Sometimes I hesitate to swaddle Julia because she doesn't seem to like it when it's happening, but it never fails to calm her down afterwards.

Friday, July 30, 2004


I've decided that as long as I have a forum for my random thoughts, I might as well include some.

I've been using the Mozilla Firefox browser lately, and really like it. It is considerably faster to display pages than IE, and the tabbed browsing feature is nice. If it would display more sites correctly, I'd probably use it full-time.

Still, I can't help feeling like there's a better way to surf the Internet than today's browsers. Even Firefox is substantially like Mosaic back in 1995 in most respects. Damn, I've been on the Internet a long time. I think next year will be 10 years.

Sibling rivalry

Our biggest concern about having a second child is how the first one will react. (Although the sleep deprivation is a close second.) So far Dora is acting about how we expected; a little more disagreeable and needing more attention, but generally the same as usual. Of course, given that she's a two-year-old, it's hard to guess how much more egocentric she could be. (She goes to eleven!)

Healthy girl

Julia had her first post-hospital checkup today, and everything is fine.

Despite all indications to the contrary, she seems to have decided that from 10 pm until 2 am is daytime, and the rest of the time is night. Dora seems to be getting better at ignoring the baby crying at night, which is a good thing. The first night we had the baby home Dora kept telling us "Mommy, the baby's crying!"

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Lunch with Julia

I'd forgotten how nice it is to have nearly complete control over your child. Margrethe and I were able to have a nice lunch and browse at Borders without taking shifts in the children's section. Julia slept happily in her car seat and hardly made a peep.

Of course, Dora is much more interesting to play with, but I also appreciate how much easier a baby is to deal with in some ways.

Here's a picture of the two girls. Posted by Hello

Can it last?

Our routine is getting a bit more established. I'm still not sure when Julia will pass through the sleeps-all-the-time phase into the never-sleeps phase, but I'm sure it's coming.

No one who doesn't already know this will ever read this, but the big one is Dora and the little one is Julia.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

So now I've got two girls

My brother chided me for not having a blog, so I decided to try one out. 

My wife and I just had our second daughter on Monday.  People say that the second one is easier, and so far it's proven true.  Of course, two days is not much of a sample.